About Me

Honor T. Wright, author and artist

Honor T. Wright is the pen name of the author/artist. She is a prolific reader, and when she was faced with the task of choosing a pen name, she knew just where to turn. She chose “Honor” because it’s the name of her favorite science fiction heroine, and “Wright” because wheelwrights are a common—if not very noticeable—occupation in medieval fantasy stories..

Of course, once she had the name, she had to create a picture worthy of her new science fiction and fantasy-inspired alter ego. What could be more appropriate than a strong female (she has to be strong—she’s wearing all that armor!) trekking through a frozen wasteland with perfect hair, no hat or scarf, and looking like it’s a balmy seventy degrees out? There aren’t even icicles hanging off those long lashes of hers. Realistically, she ought to be laid out flat on that snow, suffering from a horrible case of frostbite.

On a more serious note, Honor considers herself the luckiest person in the world because she has the privilege of helping to care for her handicapped sister while living in the great state of Texas. When she’s not spending time with her sister or playing with her many nieces and nephews, she’s usually doing something with books. Creating, writing, editing, selling—you name it, she’s probably done it.